Dr Stacey Bissell BSc, MRes, PhD

Dr Stacey Bissell

Dr Stacey Bissell is an Assistant Professor in the School of Psychology, University of Birmingham. She has a specific research background in tuberous sclerosis complex, helping to develop guidelines and recommendations for TSC-Associated Neuropsychiatric Disorders (TAND) as part of the international TAND consortium. She specialises in sleep-focused and behavioural research with children with TSC, but also conducts research that focuses on caregiver wellbeing and family lived experiences.

Mon 6th Nov; 7.00pm – 7.45pm (20-minute presentation and 25-minute Q&A)

This webinar will introduce the importance of sleep, understanding sleep in the context of TSC (e.g. epilepsy, autism), the relationship between sleep and behaviour, and opportunities to participate in current sleep and behaviour research at the University of Birmingham. Future webinars will be scheduled to focus on specific aspects of sleep in TSC (e.g. information for adults living with TSC, practical support for caregivers).


Sleep Webinar Series Part 1

Recording of our recent webinar on Sleep in TSC is now available. Please click on link below<犀利士 /p>


Passcode: ^JQ3h6y4

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TSC Ireland

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